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Irene Mary Taylor's father, Richard Hardacre, was born in the village of Higher Walton in Lancashire so it makes sense that he, his parents, his grandson and his daughter and son-in-law would be buried in the local church of Our Lady & St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church in Walton-le-Dale, Lancashire. Scroll down to see the places of rest of some of the closest relatives and ancestors of Irene Mary Taylor.

The Grave of Edith & Richard Hardacre, the parents of Irene Mary Taylor

The Grave of Edith & Richard Hardacre

Relation to Irene Mary: parents

Edith Hardacre's age at death: 79

Richard Hardacre's age at death: 56

Place of interment: Our Lady & St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, 121 Higher Walton Road, Walton-le-Dale, Preston, PR5 4HD (Link)

Coordinates of gravestone: 53.746300, -2.664519

The Grave of Mary Elizabeth & William Hardacre, and Derrick Stephen Taylor's Grave, grandparents and son of Irene Mary Taylor

The Grave of Mary Elizabeth & William Hardacre, and Derrick Stephen Taylor

Relation to Irene Mary: paternal grandparents and first-born son

Mary Elizabeth Hardacre age at death: 68 (more info)

William Hardacre's age at death: 64 (more info)

Derrick Stephen Taylor's age at death: 10 hours (more info)

Place of interment: Our Lady & St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, 121 Higher Walton Road, Walton-le-Dale, Preston, PR5 4HD (Link)

Coordinates of gravestone: 53.746671, -2.664863

The Grave of Alice & Richard Hardacre, the paternal great-grandparents of Irene Mary Taylor

The Grave of Alice & Richard Hardacre

Relation to Irene Mary: paternal great-grandparents

Alice Hardacre's age at death: 65 (more info)

Richard Hardacre's age at death: 88 (more info)

Place of interment: Our Lady & St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, 121 Higher Walton Road, Walton-le-Dale, Preston, PR5 4HD (Link)

Coordinates of gravestone: 53.746490, -2.664996

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